About Me

Hey! Thanks for stumbling upon my page. I'm Jeanine, a twenty-something year old Jersey girl. (Thanks Sarah, that was too perfectly put to not use) A little bit about me: I love movies and tv. I absolutely HATE stupid humor. Music affects my life more than people know. One note can bring tears to my eyes or ruin my day. I have been dating the man of my dreams for almost 3 years now. The only thing we agree on is disagreeing. Yet he can make me smile/laugh with one look. And I have a cat named Char (a.k.a Char-babies). She is the best kitty in the whole world!

May 2, 2012

I can not believe that I have not posted anything since February 1st!!!! 

The saddest part about that is the fact that there was nothing important to stop me from blogging! I just haven't had anything to say. . . Is that considered bloggers-block? Which is kind of sad considering the fact that I only started to blog a couple of months ago. 

Anyway. . . .

What has changed in life????? 

That's a tough question. . . 

My family and I lost our cat Maggie 5 days ago :'( We got her when she was just a few weeks old, and have had her for the last 16 YEARS!!! She was more than a cat to us. She was my sister, my friend, my confidant. We knew that it was coming since she was sick for the past couple of months. Yet, the loss is still there, it is still painful. 

I am happy that she is no longer sick/suffering and is where she belongs, but there is a greedy piece of me that thinks that she belongs here with us!!! 

This is Mag-Pie. She was one of the best cats EVER!!! She was beautiful, friendly and would cuddle with you if you were sick or sad. She will forever be missed.

I do not like to dwell on loss or death. I guess it's my coping mechanism. I either accept it or stop thinking about it all together. With Maggie I cried for about a straight hour holding on to our other cat Char. After that I walked through the house expecting to see her come walking down the stairs or jump onto my lap. By the next day I guess I accepted it cause I stopped looking for her. 

If you didn't already know we have a dog (Bubby) he's a Pomeranian, we had Maggie and we also have another black cat named Char. 


I never had to deal with how an animal will react to death before. And what happened surprised the shit out of me.

Chris & I were out for most of that day. When we came home we did the usual routine: let Bubby pee, go pee ourselves, bring groceries/whatever in the house. But what came next was an ABSOLUTE shock!

Bubby was pacing in front of me and then walked away (knowing that I would follow him, cause I usually do). He walked from the stairs to the dining room table and just sat down. I was confused at first but then I bent down to see if maybe he had pee'd in the house or something. But instead that is when I found Maggie!

I was so distraught yet so grateful that Bubby had the sense to alert us that something was wrong. Chris immediately dealt with Maggie, cause she had already passed. Which I will forever LOVE him for! Cause like I said I don't do well with death. 

For the rest of that day the animals were so despondent, and even into the next day. It took them a couple of days to get back to their normal playful selves. But i'm still worried that I did something wrong. Are animals supposed to go through the stages of grief like humans? Or as a human was I supposed to distract them and not let them be depressed for a couple days?

Well that's all I have for today. . . 

If you could help me out and tell me if what I did concerning my other animals was correct or not, it would be greatly appreciated!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry for your loss Nini! I know it's tough when a pet dies... they become part of the family. It's normal for other animals in the house to feel 'lost' though.
